
Showing posts with the label Potato Soup

Purple Cauliflower amp Sweet Potato Soup with Popped Sorghum #PotatoSoup

#PotatoSoup | I have a thing for naturally purple foods, apparently. I went purple crazy at the farmers market earlier this spring, with purple spring onions, purple cauliflower, and gorgeous purple garlic. One thing is for sure, to Continue Reading...... How to Use the Thermic Effect of Food to Boost Your Metabolism #Food | Learn what the most successful entrepreneurs can teach you about setting and achieving your fitness goals. read more... Beet Hummus #Hummus | A vibrantly pink, slightly sweet and deliciously healthy beet hummus, very easily made by placing all ingredients in the bowl of a food processor. read more... 30 of the Best Sources of Vegan Protein for Building Muscle #VeganProtein | Looking to build muscle on a vegan diet? These 30 vegan protein sources will give your body the protein it needs to bulk up fast. read more... Q amp A Fiber and Counting Carbs Soy Protein Myths and Food Combining Diets #Protein | Should you subtr